5-day unlimited combo vs. regular tickets prices

5-day unlimited Daily Combo price and Regular Ticket Price Comparison Season 22-23
5 days

at any time
price per day

presale combo

as an indication
price per day

regular ticket

price per day

regular ticket

high season*
18-69  $ 109,99 / day $129,50 / day $ 134,50 / day
70 & + $  109,99 / day  $116,55 / day $ 121 / day
13-17  $ 77 / day $ 90,65  / jour $ 94 / day
7-12  $ 55 / day $ 64,75 / day $ 67 / day

Save on regular ticket prices today and enjoy Le Massif all winter long.

*High season is from December 27, 2022 to January 5, 2023, February 18 until March 18, 2023 inclusively.

Purchase 5-day unlimited combo